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     Rod Mill Info
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     July 07 2011 01:04 AM (Read 9307 times)  
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    Registered: 07/07/11
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    Hi All,

    I am presently working at the Rod Mill, Ingall St, Mayfield and have been given the task of finding out some history about the Rod Mill specifically.

    I notice from the historical time line, that the Rod Mill is listed at built in 1962.

    Does anyone know... does that mean building commenced, building completed and commissioned? When did the Mill first start production? Any details anyone can help out with would be greatly appreciated.

    We would like to do something to commemorate 50 years, next year. Just want to make sure we have our facts straight!


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     July 07 2011 02:36 AM  
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    Hi Tracy,
    I have sent your info out, you people are always welcome at the BHP Reunion
    every year. Hope to see you there.
    I will try to get the info you require.
    When I started at BHP in 1961 the Rod Mill was at the Main Gate my brother worked there, started 04.08.1958
    My Records show that in1918 August Rod Mill starts operation as single strand mill? In December 1962 New Rod Mill commences operation Mr. Green
    1977...4 Single strand No twist Rod Trains Installed.
    1988 Conversion to two Strands ,new water coolingsystem installed.
    Regards Aub

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     July 07 2011 05:32 AM  
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    Thanks Aub,

    Any info from you or your members would be greatly appreciated. We're thinking along the lines of holding an Open Day to commemmorate the 50th Anniversary. Any pics from the past relating to the Rod Mill, would be great too. I'll keep you updated as we move forward and of course we'd love to see past employees and members of the association at the Open Day.

    Tracey Big Grin

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     July 07 2011 06:25 AM  
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    Hi mate, the NIHA should have some photos, please stay in touch......Aub

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     July 07 2011 23:45 PM  
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    According to the Rod Mill Book called,
    Rods and Coils an anthology of the Rod Mills of Newcastle.
    Written by Bernie Enright. ISBN 1876634170
    The current Rod mill was commissioned in December 1962 .
    This book was written for their 35th anniversary in March 1998 but primarily as a chapter of the history of the steelwork at closure 1999. Hope this helps.

    Rod ......NIHA Member

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     July 10 2011 12:07 PM  
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    can i assume you have a copy of the Rod Mill book produced when the steelworks closed in 1999? 'Rods and Coils'.
    i think we have digital versions of the images in the book.
    These and many more are available from Newcastle City Council library local studies section. you can search the Hunter Photo Bank online, but better to call local studies.
    Of course BHP Billiton also holds all the history and a big archive of the Rod Mill.
    keep in touch.
    Bob Cook

    Bob Cook President Newcastle Industrial Heritage Association Inc. ph 02 49261117 fax 02 49262212 mob 0419241731
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     July 11 2011 05:15 AM  
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    Thanks for the info Aub & Bob, that gives me a few avenues to follow up... it's a great help!!!

    Tracey Big Grin

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