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 By:  aub
 On:  12/07/12 05:52 AM
 Views 41645 Replies 0
 By:  aub
 On:  09/23/12 09:15 AM
 Views 43799 Replies 0
Guest Speaker
 By:  aub
 On:  04/24/12 23:05 PM
 Views 47886 Replies 0
 By:  aub
 On:  11/10/11 23:24 PM
 Views 40458 Replies 0
Henry McKenzie
 By:  aub
 On:  08/11/11 23:56 PM
 Views 24520 Replies 0

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Wednesday 16/02/22

  • Delprat's Cottage and garden OPEN DAYS (0)

  • Monday 14/02/22

  • Vital to the War Effort (0)

  • Friday 20/08/21

  • VIDEO PRODUCTION for Fortress Newcastle (0)

  • Thursday 17/06/21


  • Tuesday 25/05/21


  • Links
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    Link Category

    Coal History (3)
    Computers and Internet (2)
    Employment Services (1)
    General (5)
    Heritage Websites (4)
    History (8)
    Industrial Heritage (9)
    Rail Heritage (5)
    Trains (5)

    Top Ten Links

    • Exact IT (18,764)
      Exact IT hosts and maintains niha.org.au
    • Hunter United's EzyNet Teller website (4,042)
      your financial friend, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    • Newcastle Local History Library (2,916)
      The Newcastle City Council local history library has a massive collection of documents and photos of Newcastle's history.
    • Railpage (2,718)
      The premier Australian rail server.
    • Newcastle Regional Museum (2,643)
      Newcastle Regional Museum
    • Pancrack TV (2,619)
      Craig Hornby's documentary 'A Century in Stone' can be purchased at this site.
    • Steel Around. Pittsburg Steel. (2,549)
      An important American Steelmaking Region has been redeveloped.
    • State Mine Heritage Park Lithgow (2,428)
      This tourist Attraction at Lithgow preserves some of Australia's valuable Coal Mining and Railway heritage.
    • Pathways Employment Services (2,331)
      Pathways is an Australian owned human resources company that specialises in recruitment and outplacement solutions.

      Our website provides relevant information for organisations looking to recruit or displace employees; and for people who are looking for employment options. To achieve this the site has been separated into different Employer and Jobseeker sections to meet the diverse needs of both groups.

      Please feel free to browse the site and contact us if you have any further enquiries.

      We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you.
    • Australian War Memorial Photo database (2,039)
      A collection of photos on any military subject.

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