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    http://tilligerry.com/pages/main.htm ..... Our Own TV Star ..... Photo by Geoff Walker:

    http://tilligerry.com/pages/main.htm ..... Our Own TV Star .....
Photo by Geoff Walker:

    Most residents will remember him best as the public face of the worker, leading the employees of BHP to the exit gates on the day the Newcastle steelworks shut down. Others will recall him on TV promoting the ‘Muster Point,’ a site at Mayfield which preserves the heritage of a time long since gone. Recently, he’s been back on TV doing unpaid advertisements for both the Liberal candidate for Newcastle and the Hunter United Credit Union. “I’ve been a Labor man all my life, but when Jaimie Abbott showed great interest and support for the ‘Muster Point’ and a proposed memorial, I agreed to be part of her advertisement, he said. “In the case of the Hunter Credit Union, I’ve had an account with them since I was a boy, and I’m a volunteer on their birthday celebrations committee.” Now living at Tanilba Bay, Aubrey Brooks spends his retirement years conducting group tours of the ‘Muster Point’ and as a guest speaker promoting Newcastle’s industrial heritage. And the future? Who knows: Reality TV shows ? Masterchef ? perhaps even Hollywood? Only time will tell. Photo: Man of steel – Aubrey beside a steelworks montage at his Tanilba Bay home.

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