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  • Power, BHP Steam Power. 
    Home :: Media Gallery :: Power, BHP Steam Power.
    Porter HK No6670.21
Gauge.  3'.00
    Loco 18 in the Ingot Yard. Scrapped 1966..Porter HK No6670.21 Gauge. 3'.00

    Views 3132
    Ex SMR No 13    0-8-2T  Avonside1541/1908
    Loco 29, notice Steam Crane in background. 1949. Ex SMR No 13 0-8-2T Avonside1541/1908

    Views 3261
    Porter No 6414- 19
    Old Steam Loco Number 13 side tracked. Scrapped 1961 Porter No 6414- 19

    Views 3204
    Transfered to BHP Whyalla 1962
    Loco 25. June 1938

    Views 3132
    The Loco is No 5 which was scrapped in 1961
HK Porter No 5762-15
    Steam Crane No 2. August 1939,

    Views 3100
    Hk Porter - No 6941-24
    Loco 20 at Wharf with Coal Wagons. 4.3.57 Scrapped 1960

    Views 3580
    Porter No 6413-19
Gauge.  3'.00
    Loco 15 Taken 1939..... Scrapped 1966 Porter No 6413-19 Gauge. 3'.00

    Views 3247
    Slag Pots were known to light up the Newcastle Sky when tipped at night:
    Newcastle BHP first Blast Furnace, notice the Slag Pots on the side of Furnace. The Steam Loco is waiting while they are being loaded with slag:

    Views 3369
    Polished and ready to go.

    Views 2938
    Brambles Breakdown Truck at the ready.

    Views 3705
    Notice the operator on the back:
    Steam at the Narrow Gauge with a train of Ingot Molds.

    Views 3398
    Steam Loco 26 at your service.

    Views 3129
    Number 23 Side Tracked. 20.10.1971 Waiting for
 a new home.
    BHP Steam Loco Number 23.

    Views 3354
    Waiting for operation after service from
Wagon Builder "Sam" the Jordon Spreader is very rare,
starting life as a Snow Plow in America and if now
located at Richmond Vale Rail Museum.
It is the only one in the Southern part of the world.
    Jordon Spredder under steam

    Views 2928
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