No1 Blast Furnace & Blower House - 1914
Views 3693
BF Turbine Blower BHP Steelworks Newcastle
Views 5845
377 view of works early 1914
Views 2584
372 constuction of no1 bf 1914
Views 2620
365 view of bf blower house from bf may 1914
Views 2638
241 no1 bf site jan 1914
Views 2537
237 construction of no1 bfplant 1914
Views 2583
170 steelworks from bf 1914
Views 2546
167 steelworks view looking sw 1914
Views 2558
160 waterfront construction 1914
Views 2583
135 construction of soaking pits buiding nov 1914
Views 2703
118 construction ore bridge dec 1914
Views 2494
117 construction of ore bridge 1914
Views 2623
111 consruction of open hearth 1913
Views 2492
104 fill from the hunter river at open hearth site 1913
Views 2443