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 On:  08/11/11 23:56 PM
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  • Great Northern Railway 
    Home :: Media Gallery :: Railways :: Great Northern Railway
    A few words for NBN 3 on Railway history.

    Views 3312
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    NIHA members, Peg and Aub enjoy the ride.

    Views 3371
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    Views 3522
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    The GNR 150 Tickets

    Views 3456
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    The Old and the New at Newcastle Station. "Tin Hare” rail motor rides between Newcastle and Civic Stations on the day.

    Views 3845
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    The Old and the New. SMR Railway Steam Loco. Number 10

    Views 3609
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    "Tin Hare” rail motor rides between Newcastle and Civic Stations on the day.

    Views 4099
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    SMR Loco Number 10

    Views 3422
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    The proud Steam Loco, SMR No 10

    Views 3671
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    The new Hunter Car.

    Views 3493
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    The Tin Hare gets ready to leave Newcastle for Civic Station.

    Views 4197
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    Happy folks...all aboard

    Views 3395
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    The lucky driver.

    Views 3559
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    The great train, 3526. How Proud she stands.

    Views 4343
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    History in the making, about to ring the 1885 GNR Bell. The bell is on Newcastle Station.

    Views 3488
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    Loco 3526 name plate. Built the same year BHP opened in Newcastle.

    Views 3401
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