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     Archaeology of the sulphide Plant
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    Anonymous: gcin1122
     March 06 2008 04:15 AM (Read 2562 times)  

    Hi, I am an archaeologist writing an assessment for the land where the Sulphide Plant currently resides and surrounds. I am trying to find some background information to assess the likelihood of any archaeology remaining intact on this site. Can anyone direct me to an email address or phone number of someone I could discuss this with? the assessment has to be completed by Easter which I realize is quite short notice.
    I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

     March 06 2008 12:24 PM  
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    I am not familiar with details but may be able to offer some directions.
    call me on 0419241731
    Bob Cook

    Bob Cook President Newcastle Industrial Heritage Association Inc. ph 02 49261117 fax 02 49262212 mob 0419241731
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     March 21 2008 11:24 AM  
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    The recent Google Earth imaging of the Sulphide site is not very encouraging, as very little apart from some of the offices/lab buildings survive. When I did work experience at the Sulphide I remember working in the Laboratory/Environmental section, and it was a very old building that was near the entrance. There was also a colliery near the cement plant site, but not much is known about it, and I haven't found any photos or much info on that colliery, like many of the smaller pits that operated around the north eastern part of the Lake. It is amazing the detail that can be seen using Google Earth. I have been looking at various colliery and railway sites for some time, but very little evidence remains. The Website needs to establish an industrial heritage list of sites, with current photos, historic photos and maybe visits, digs, etc at these sites. Very little seems to exist.

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     March 25 2008 09:43 AM  
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    Thanks, your comments have been noted and forward on
    to other members, have a great day, Aub Wink

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