Subject: Four weeks away. Phone a friend, spread the word

Posted on: August 24 2010 @ 09:08 AM
By: aub


Over a decade ago the unthinkable happened. BHP steelworks closed its operations in Newcastle.

The steelworks had been an integral part of Newcastle's life for 84 years, helping to shape a proud, working-class people.

For many thousands, the steelworks offered good money and a chance to give their families a decent standard of living and a better future in life.

Many feared what the future would hold. A future without BHP in Newcastle was hard to imagine,

11 Year BHP Anniversary Reunion

2nd Newcastle Bar Mill Reunion [OneSteel Employees]

BHP Newcastle Employees 1915 to 1999 - OneSteel Employees 2000 to 2010

In September 2010 it will be 11 years since the closure of the Front End in Newcastle.
To keep in touch with the "Men and Women of Steel"
we are holding the 11 year reunion on

Saturday September 25 - 2010

Mayfield Sports Club, Crebert Street, Mayfield, at 12:30pm
"Free Entry" Mr. Green Mr. Green


Newcastle Industrial Heritage Association - Forum